Categories, Tags, Courses & Production locations
The product catalog is the heart of the mobile OIDO webshop. It allows a flexible design. You can create categories and subcategories and structure them by moving them around.
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The product catalog is the heart of the mobile OIDO webshop. It allows a flexible design. You can create categories and subcategories and structure them by moving them around.
Last updated
Start your product catalog or menu by first defining categories and subcategories. e.g. Salads - Burgers - Ice cream - Drinks
Order: Arrange your catalog. Use the mouse to grab the double line symbol by moving it up or down.
Sub-category: By moving a category to the right, it becomes a sub-category. The subcategory is displayed indented with a gray bar in front of it.
By moving a subcategory to the left, it becomes a category again. The gray bar disappears.
Eye symbol: By clicking on the eye symbol, you can hide and show the entire category or subcategory in the catalog display.
Example: Make the breakfast menu category invisible to your customers from midday by hiding it.
Search terms help your customers to filter the display of your product catalog. Examples of useful search terms are vegetarian, spicy or gluten-free.
You can add the search term as text or as a space-saving emoticon (🥬 🌶 ).
Please note that the space for the display on the customer's cell phone is limited.
Avoid parallel navigation, e.g. using search terms for categories such as “drinks” or “hamburgers”. This would only confuse the users of your product catalog.
Create your courses/deliveries here, e.g. starter - main course - dessert. In the restaurant, your guests can determine the serving order when ordering. The courses are only displayed if you `allow sorting by courses' in the Sales zone.
At least one course is required for creating products.
Production locations are used to assign the elements of an order to the respective production location.
Each product can be assigned to a specific production location set up here. For instance, you can display only the products ordered for the cocktail bar, ensuring that only orders with items produced in that bar are shown.
Using the filter for the production locations, you can switch back and forth between the different views and thus obtain an overview of the entire order at each production location.
The filter symbol turns red as soon as you activate a filter.